Thursday, April 26, 2012

Me vs. The 24mm Tilt Shift Lens

Currently, I am at war with the newest lens in my camera bag.  For Christmas, the husband bought me a Canon 24mm tilt-shift lens (after months of me begging and pleading that it will transform my photography into a whole other level of awesome).  And I was right, the tilt-shift lens really does create the coolest images with its blur and perspective effects... IF you know how to use it. I took the above photograph back in January while walking in my neighborhood. And, let's just say, it took a hot minute to compose - all the while, my neighbors probably thought I was the biggest weirdo fiddling with my camera, walking in circles around the same tree (sometimes bumping into the tree or tripping on an exposed root since I was looking up the whole time), and mumbling to myself about why isn't this working. I am actually surprised no one called the cops to report a crazy person wandering the streets of our neighborhood. Only after taking a few deep breaths did I finally get the shot. 

And the battle continues. I am still trying to get the hang of this mysterious beauty so I can incorporate it into Intertwyned's sessions (without spending oh 20 minutes or so simply getting my clients'  faces into focus), but, mark my words, I will master this lens even if its the last thing I do. 


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